8 Color Schemes That Increase Conversion

Marketing and design professionals understand one critical fact about color: it’s more than just a design choice; it’s a pivotal element in your conversion toolbox. Colors evoke emotions, grab attention, highlight your brand’s personality, and guide customers to your desired actions. If you’re ready to embrace color with conversion in mind, below are eight proven…

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Quiet Luxury: The Rise of Subtlety in Branding

Today’s branding shift is less ’out with the old, in with the new’ and more ’out with the loud, in with the quiet.’ Loud, flashy, and trendy branding is on the downswing, and a new trend is coming in its place: quiet luxury. Initially defined as a trend in the fashion world, the idea of…

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Harness the Power of Story Marketing

We recognize the power of stories from an early age. We learn from them, get inspired by them, and have many feelings because of them. Perhaps that’s why, with increased competition and reduced attention spans, more and more brands are turning to story marketing techniques. What Is Story Marketing? Story marketing is a strategy that…

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Marketing for High Involvement Purchases

Few consumers think much about purchasing a tube of toothpaste. We rely on familiar brands. Since this is a routine purchase with minimal risk, buyer involvement is generally low, and decisions are made quickly.  High involvement purchases are a different story. Potential customers, whether consumers or business buyers need more information before buying. Often, products…

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Boost Marketing Outcomes by Leveraging the Curiosity Gap

When you’re curious about something, you have questions and want to know more than you currently do. Something about this thing, like an idea or a story, brand, or product, intrigues you, but you have limited information about it. However, that intrigue keeps it fresh in your mind. The more you think about it, the…

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The Role of Customer Retention Marketing

Today’s consumers have more choices than ever, which means brands need to work harder than ever to develop and maintain loyalty. Customer retention marketing targets these existing customers in hopes of turning them into long-term repeat customers, and in today’s marketplace, it’s going to take the right blend of creativity and authenticity to stand out…

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The Incredible Case of the Shrinking Copy

THERE’S A QUIET TREND HAPPENING in direct mail that you may have noticed: marketing copy is getting shorter and shorter. This movement towards sleeker, more streamlined copy may be helpful in conveying succinct, useful information to audiences, but it certainly can present a challenge for marketers. Here’s what you should know. COPY IS GETTING SHORTER…

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The High-Tech Way to Improve Direct Mail Response Rates

HARNESSING THE POWER OF AI could give your direct mail campaigns a competitive boost. However, it’s essential to be strategic about using this fast-growing technology. While it can help in plenty of ways, it’s also essential that you consider a few potential pitfalls to maximize effectiveness while maintaining your brand’s unique personality.   HOW AI…

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